Monday, September 29, 2008

I Hate Mondays...

Hello people of the blogging universe.
I am an alien. I have come to invade your measly planet, and suck out its core with a bendy straw.
Just Joking... maybe.
Blogging is addicting.

:) :) :) :) :) :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Saturday Morning

Hello, I'm just having fun on my blog on a Saturday morning... There's nothing wrong with that, is there?
Does anyone else like sci-fi, Mythbusters, and Man vs. Wild? They are so awesome!!!!
I will admit I am just a bit (a bit) of a boring person. Maybe the world needs more nerds like me...
Time to look at my hamsters! :)

Hey... Homework Is Now Okay, I Guess...

Doin' my homework... you know, I like blogging. I'm going to log on three times a week! This is so fun! My science extension homework isn't loading now, so I'll try again in a minute...
BLOGGING RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you've read my last blog, then I want to add a bit more onto it... I LOVE LEGO!!!!! If you haven't read it, why don't you go and read it now?

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hello, peeps!

Hi, I'm Aidan. I have quite a few fun hobbies- cycling, Tae-Kwan-Do, reading, web-surfing, goofing around with my friends, and watching TV. My favourite subject is Science Extension, although Maths is kind of tied with it. I can't believe I am allowed to make a blog in class! Most people HATE my singing, but I still sing frequently. I've also lived all around the world, and I eat absolutely anything (except tomatoes...)! Once, I ate a termite. It tasted like carrots. Well, I'll write more later... Bye! :)