Friday, October 10, 2008


What if you were a fairy, floating in the breeze, watching the millenia fly by, with all the knowledge of the world, the height of an ant, the personality of a bubble, the temper of of dynamite, the gracefullness of a butterfly, the bright colours of a peacock, and the heart of a robot?
What if I made that question way shorter?
What if we were aliens on a human planet?
What if they cancel Friends tonight?
What if, What if,..................
What if?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Idea of Courage

My idea of courage comes under many categories. One of my ideas is partially obvious- facing fears, the same as when I walked past a peacock (one of my numerous wimpy fears). Another is going out of your comfort zone. Things like me standing up to a bully when he was kicking me to the ground, or when I talked to the girl I liked, or when a person was getting teased by an older guy and I squeezed his shoulder. Courage can also mean helping people you don't know very well, or telling your parent about your F on that math test, and maybe even making friends with people. Lastly, courage may mean taking on someone else's problem, or taking someone else's pain. An example of this is in most movies, were the heroes take a bullet that was meant for the damsel in distress, or when I jumped in front of someone who was being punched by a bully. To me, courage basically means doing something you wouldn't do, facing your fears, or risking yourself for others.


If you are looking at my blog for fun, I am about to write a school paragraph. It contains boring ideas about courage. Viewer discretion is advised.