Sunday, January 11, 2009

Resolutions For 2009

Hello Blog World!!
Right now, I am doing another breif school post. Just warning you now- if are easily bored by New Years Resolutions, now is the time to go to a safer, less boring place.

  • I really want to (no, need to) get my Science grade up.
  • I should really make more friends.....
  • I want to try harder in Tae Kwan Do, and get my red belt (and maybe even black tip) before 2010.
  • Trying new things might also prove to be fun and..... entertaining. (Ambulance may be required...)
  • I feel a bit guilty. To turn that feeling upside down, instead Mum buying me stuff and me letting her forget that I owe her back, my money may just magically jump out of my pocket, and land softly on the cashier's desk.
  • Read all the books in my favourite series (CHERUB), and try other series too.
  • For interest factor (and for the 4th resolution), I would like to learn more about explosions.
  • Lastly, I would like to set the goal of communicating effectively with peers (one of the few skills that I do not possess. Sadly, I learned the hard way with reloading a stapler....).

Also, I would like to see the world live in harmony and peace, and for all people to realize that we are the biggest predators on Earth, who will eventually wipe themselves out, and GoGreen. Also, I beleive that anyone lacking the basic sense to know that Jennifer Aniston is in all ways way better the Angelina Jolie will be EXTERMINATED!!! Just joking about that last one. But Jennifer Aniston rules!!!

Hope you enjoyed reading this post!


If you didn't enjoy reading this post, send me a complaint. I may choose to read the complaint, or I may just rip it into little peices and give it back to you. Most likely the second one.