Thursday, May 28, 2009

All About Me- Just For The 7th Grade Teachers

So, um, hi! I'm Aidan, and I am currently doing a feedback thing for 7th grade. I've met some teachers, so some of you may know me, but I'm gong to write a bit more about myself, based on the rubric I'm supposed to follow.

I'm most proud of my first Maths test, as I ended up with 104%, although I hadn't studied, which really filled me with happiness and provided a pleasant start to the year. I don't have much to say about it, other than I want to keep on doing that in 7th grade. My greatest challenge was organization, as I keep almost everything, and never bother to tidy my stuff up. It's not that I don't want to be organized, or don't know how, I just don't to it, partly out of laziness, partly out of fear of what I might find. I'll talk more about my horrible organization later. I learned during the course of the year that I really love visuals, but at the same time, hate planning, as I never do it, and that I really ant to just get on with my work, not be constantly talked through it, and be made to wait. Sometimes I feel like saying "Would you just shut your mouth, let me get the stupid computer and get on with it?", mainly because I enjoy knowing I've done what I need to do, and can relax later. Now for work habits....

Behavior- Satisfactory/Perfect
I'm not perfect, although I'm not a bad, rowdy person. I generally talk while I work, and joke around with my friend a few desks away. However, in Spanish, I tend to be a bit noisier, and sometimes start doodling on the side of my paper. Not much more to be said here...

Participation- Actively Participate In Class
I never stop contributing, and always share my ideas, to the extent that my teachers generally say "Now, can anyone EXCEPT AIDAN answer this for me?" I love letting people know what I think, even if it does place me into a bit of trouble. Still, I don't hesitate to say what I think and give answers, and ask questions.

Organization- Need Serious Help
Yeah, I mentioned this earlier- my organization is DIRE. My locker is completely stuffed on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as I have an extra bag for Tae Kwan Do. Everything falls out of my locker, and I have to kick it shut. It may help if I had time to clear it out more often.

Effort- I Always Go Above And Beyond What's Required
I always try my best, work hard, and always chug out above standard work. I enjoy knowing what I need to do with work, so I can go above expectations. I am permanently trying hard, and I wind up feeling all warm and satisfied by the end of the day.

One of my goals for grade 7 is to get my PE grade up to be an A so I can get an A and above award in Science, Maths, Humanities, Spanish, and PE. That would be awesome! Plus, it means another challenge to wotk hard on! Another goal is to work hard to get my black tip in Tae Kwan Do soon whilst being able to stay above standard in my work, and do all homework to a 100% standard.

So now you know a bit more about me, and are either wishing August would come faster so I could be your current student, or wishing to catch the next plane to Canada so you don't have to deal with me. Which ever one it is, I really look forward to meeting my new teachers in grade 7, and want to be there now, although wouldn't mind a break during summer.....
I'm going to Vietnam towards the middle/end of June, to go and stay on a boat and see all the traditional and cultural sites of Vietnam. Then, in late July, I'm going to Bali. Between these, I turn 12 (My birthday is on July 5th). So, yes, I am very excited!

From Aidan L., Future 7th Grader.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Saving the World

I feel that in order to help save our dying planet, we need to do loads of things. Even though Earth Hour helps a bit with our energy crisis, what's one hour of 1/2 electricity to a year of wasting it? We should do things on a bigger scale (atleast, in my opinion), such as having an Earth hour once a month, or even once a week, to cut down on the electricity we are wasting. Then again, this may make us go backwards, and not want to live with electricity. Then again, is that such a bad thing? We could maybe use one of the torches my dad has, where you wind a switch and then click a button for light, instead of using batteries. Re-chargable batteries at the least would suffice.

Scientists come up with loads of huge ideas, which do work, but even a few little things to help the environment can't hurt, like just turning off the AC when you aren't in the room, or remembering to switch off the TV when you go out. I'm not saying that the huge ideas are bad or anything, just that we should also start small. Afterall, if we can't do small things, how do we expect to pull off huge feats?

Possibly the most important thing is to act now. Don't wait until our planet is inhospitable, act now and probably help the human race survive for a longer time. You may think Oh, it's just one day, one day can't destroy us. But then, you may end up in the mentality of just putting it off, and sit there waiting for the enevitable. Maybe the next phase of Earth (history wise) will be Enviro-Colony. Hopefully, it will be. Also, just because we have recycled and all that stuff enough that our planet can survive for a bit longer, and isn't in the 11th hour (currently, it's 11:59), don't stop recycling! Get into the habit, and give our children, their children, and their children, and even their children a brighter future. If you are old (no offense to old people), don't just ignore it because you'll die soon and you won't have to live in the horrible Earth you helped create. Think about your children, and theirs, etc. You probably want them to have good, long lives, so recycle.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Adam Lambert Rules!!!

Adam Lambert is sooooo awesome! I want him to win, and if I were in the US again, I would vote for him! I originally tried posting a video of him singing Born To Be Wild, but there was an error with the thing, but he is still totally AWESOME!

Get your motor runnin',
Get out on the highway,
Looking for adventure,
And whatever comes our way.
Yeah Darlin' gonna make it happen,
Take the world in a love embrace,
Fire all of your guns at once and,
Explode into space.
I like smoke and lightning,
Heavy metal thunder,
Racin' with the wind,
And the feelin' that I'm under.

(I'm just gonna skip to my favourite part)

Adam, I salute you! Rock on!!