Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hello, peeps!

Hi, I'm Aidan. I have quite a few fun hobbies- cycling, Tae-Kwan-Do, reading, web-surfing, goofing around with my friends, and watching TV. My favourite subject is Science Extension, although Maths is kind of tied with it. I can't believe I am allowed to make a blog in class! Most people HATE my singing, but I still sing frequently. I've also lived all around the world, and I eat absolutely anything (except tomatoes...)! Once, I ate a termite. It tasted like carrots. Well, I'll write more later... Bye! :)


riz said...

vocTermites? i'm not even gonna ask hey your not that bad a singer! see ya 'round

Anonymous said...

Hi, its me your best friend. I too love lego. You ate termits! I ate a ant and my lips touched a bee`s mouth! Tell me other freaky things which you have done.

Kailee (: said...


tasted like carrots!


Anonymous said...

Hey Aidan,
This is Nazihah. I am following your blog, so I will be commenting every post you put on. I like your blog, by the way. I like cycling, and I like watchng television. What do you do in Scince Extension, and why is it your favourite subject? I am sorry Aidan, but I sort of hate it when people sing, and I sort of hate choir. Where have you lived, and why don't you eat tomatoes? I also do not eat tomatoes. Yuck! I cannot believe you ate a termite. I would be looking forward to seeing more of your posts. By the way, I do not think you have any mistakes. Although I am not sure about termite?