Sunday, December 14, 2008

My 6th Grade Wordle!!

All of my words represent a separate aspect of middle school. By mixed, I mean not only that we all have different classes, but that all of us are also very different. Some of us are white. Some of us are Asian, some Aussie, yet we all mix, talk, play, laugh, learn, an grow up together. We also have more choice than in elementary school. We choose the classes we want to do, how we perform, if we hang out with the right people, if we will not bother being in class on time, etc. Depending on the choices we make, school can be easy, challenging, or difficult. For me, school is relatively easy, although depending on the subject and time, it can be challenging. Note that I said challenging, not difficult. Challenging is good, as we should all be pushed, And try to be on top of the challenges, but difficult means that either we aren't making the right choices, or we are in the wrong class.

The choices we make are important, as if we decide not to study for our major tests, then we will probably fail, which not only impacts our current grade, but later on, universities will see or horrible grade, and will be less likely to accept us. With out a degree or some form of higher education, we probably won't get a good job, meaning low income, meaning we can't obtain enough to support ourselves/family, and we end up as the homeless people that we see begging at the side of the road in their cardboard box home, and we will die in around 10 years. So our choices are important in the long term. Our classes are varied, as we have so many different choices, subjects, and focuses, which help us develop into well rounded individuals, and we also learn to balance our many different classes. Through our choices, we have more experiences, which can be positive and negative. Negatively, we can be bad students, and have to get special help, or end up in Mr. Callan's office, or we have a nice, positive effect, and we get given awards for being academically gifted, or get to know our teachers, and get on their good side. In order to be a good student though, we need to be organized, know where everything is, when our homework is due, what to give to what teacher, etc.

If we aren't so organized, or aren't to good at some subjects, our peers and teachers inspire us to do better, our teachers by pusing us to be better, and our peers by setting a good example. We not only have in school courses, but we also have after school activities, and once again, we choose the activity we want, and we have fun. One of our in-school optional courses is taking a language, from a choice of Spanish, French, and Mandarin. If we don't want to, we don't have to take a language, although it is fun to try one out and see how it goes. All of us are, deep down, intelligent to some degree, and the school wants to put our intelligence to the test, and also give us the gift of knowledge.

Another thing that helps us boost our friendships and grades is to communicate effectively. Not only is communicating effectively one of the SLRs, but it also helps with relationships; both romantic and friendly. In a friendship, if the two don't communicate, they don't know about eachother, end up breaking away from eachother. In romance, if you don't communicate with the girl/boy, you don't know when your date is or how comfortable you are with everyone knowing you are together, etc.

During our time in middle school, we also grow mature, and as a result, our teachers don't accept bad behaiviour as much as they used to. In Humanities, we started up blogs, which are not only a convenient way of posting stuff, but we can express ourselves as much as we want, and I am currently giving you al this information from my blog. In middle school, many things expand; our knowledge, amount of friendships, feelings, bodies, our communities, and so on. The shcool is rather spacious, making it easy to get lost in on the first day, but fun to play and hang out in. All the teachers are friendly, and always make you feel welcome, are part of the fun in our classes. All this is exciting, isn't it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello! My name is Virginia. Ofcorse, I go to St. George's Independant School. I love what you said about middle school. I agree that throughout middle school we are supposed to grow and become more and more sophistocated. I think that the words that you chose really do describe middle school! I have two sisters and two dogs. I play softball, basketball, and soccer. Comment back!

From, Virginia