Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Double Blog Post Madness!!! Part 1

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't posted anything in the last week. To make up for it though, I'm going to post two posts today! Two whole posts! I've never had this much excitement since the last MS party back at the begining of September! If you get easily bored, you should do one of the following about now-

1. Read another blog.

2. Stare at the sun so you go blind, then read.

3. Walk away.

If you're still reading this, I'm presuming you aren't easily bored, and so I will now continue with my post.

I've always thought of one thing, now more than ever since I'm now doing Wild Malaysia- the world was fine until we came along. Yes, we are an intelligent life form, and it may be good to have a few of those on the planet, but we have single-handedly destroyed our world. Our economy is crashing, our politics suck, and the prices of everything are on the rise. Those are our problems, but have we ever thought of something other than ourselves? There are loads of endangered and extinct species out in the wild, and majority of them are endangered/extinct because of us. We have to cut down their environment for another condominium, or hunt them to make a quick buck. I feel sorry for many animals, and want to help them.

How I can start up something big enough I haven't the foggiest clue, but I feel we should do something. We could use advanced cloning to go and make more animals, with which we could start a new race, or maybe expand on existing animal species. For example, there is one Galapagos turtle left, and he's captive. So, we just take some of Lonesome George's DNA, put in a lab, inject it into a generic egg, and we have another turtle! The turtles could breed just before George dies (He's somewhere around 100). If we could do that, we could revive so many species...

Think, we could have T-rexes running around, we could frolic in the flowers with dodo birds, we could even study golden toads!

Then the world would be great! We could even cross breed and make a few animals of our own!

This is Lonesome George. Maybe someday soon he'll have a mate...
Hopefully, some of you reading this are interested in cloning, and might fulfill my legacy with me. When I grow up, I want to do many things, but I'd really love to give George a female buddy he can mate with. Then he can die happy.

The citation-
"Lonesome George." Wikipedia. 16/08/09. Web

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