Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The qualities of a leader are honesty, loyalty, forward-thinking (planning), being able to follow as well as inspire and lead, to be trustworthy, brave, persevering, optimistic, practical, and never backing down until the objective is completed. Leaders have to be able to gain trust and backing in many people, have a valid cause, be persevering to fight (usually vocally) until the cause has been settled, must be honest with their supporters, and they must plan ahead to be successful, just as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did with segregation, or Gandhi with salt taxes, or Rosa Parks with coloured bus seats, or Neslon Mandela for standing up for black rights,and  Oprah Winfrey for opening a school in Africa for underprivileged girls. Those are only a few fantastic leaders in this world. (Although Gandhi, Martin Luther, Rosa Parks are all dead.) Leaders also stay positive through thick and thin, and always strive for things to be better for all. 

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