Outside of the city, there are little Orang Asli (Native Malay) settlements. These are amazing to visit, and if you ever do come over here, I would recommend visiting them! They live very basically, but all have shoes, old phones, and small TVs. Some of them also use blowpipes, others just farm.
I also enjoy cycling. Once you get out of the city centre, there are some beautiful bike trails! There are loads of hills, but there are also flatish trails, so everyone gets their choice! At most trails, there are food stalls, selling dough nuts, curry puffs, and chestnuts. Mmm.....
When it comes to food, there is plenty of choice! Since many people of different live here, and aren't all Malay, their food of choice is usually featured in some place or another.
Types of Food-
Middle Eastern
There is also a local fruit, called durian, which tastes fine, but smells terrible, and is therefore banned in most public places.
Anyway, I have to go and do some other school stuff in class, so I'll continue this later.

Twin Towers at Night.
From http://mentalfloss.cachefly.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/Petronas-Towers.jpg
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Thanks for the comment! I think these projects are really cool too! My name is Aidan, I have 2 pet hamsters, called Ping Pong and Morrocco, and I am an only child. Check my blog often, please!!
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