Monday, March 23, 2009

Malaysia Week Misshaps , Misadventures, Experiences, and Excitement!!!

At ISKL (The International School of Kuala Lumpur), the school I go to, we get an opportunity once every year to go on different sites, and explore native Malaysia, with no parents, for 5 days. This is called Malaysia Week. My Malaysia Week site was Kuala Gandah, and this was the first time this site was launched, so we were the pioneers! I suffered from a bit of homesickness on the second day, but other than that, I didn't really miss home.

On the first day, we camped out by a kampung. We went on a night trek, but didn't see anything, apart from the shiny eyes of a bush baby and some fireflies. It also rained that day, so our tents flooded.

Day 2- we went into the primary jungle. For fun, we jumped over a gorge. The gorge also had some roots to stand on, but they weren't exactly strong. A strange, goofy, Korean guy with really bad luck called Joey stepped on the roots to get across and fell into the water below us. Ha ha! It also rained today, and our tents, now all muddy, flooded again.

On day 3, we spent most of our time commuting, to the elephant sanctuary! This was the best campsite out of the lot! There was a canopy over all the tents, and the ground- lovely sand. I nearly got washed away from the campsite in the river.... 5 times.

Day 4- We spent most of this day helping the elephants in the sanctuary- bathing them, cleaning their poop, feeding them, observing them, riding them, and bonding with them. We also bought a ton of stuff. One guy bought a lighter, but the site leader confiscated it. I bought a ton of gum, and we all bought Pringles, and a lot of soda!

On the bus ride home, we stopped at Deerland, and looked at, made notes about, and played with all the animals. Sadly, there was a peacock. I am absolutely terrified of peacocks. But, I got to feed a sun bear honey! Its tongue is so sticky and warm! We arrived home 2 and a half hours early.

Over spring break, I am going to Laos. There are plenty of things to do and see there, and the cultural experience should prove interesting. I also enjoy exploring. Another list (I like lists):
Countries I've been to-
St. Lucia
The UK
The US
The Philippines

And 2 other countries that I can't remember. I'll complete this list after spring break.
Please post a comment,


Unknown said...

Hi. My name is Ethan. I think that it is so cool that you got to see the elephants. I think that would have of been cool to do. I went on a school trip. We went to Team Trek. When i did, i spent a lot of time with my friends. Also we did a lot of team builing activites. We went for only a few days. It was fun. Hope you had fun to.

Tyler Lourens said...

Hey my name is Tyler. I think it was awesome that you could ride and play with elephants. It must have been hard to deal with sleeping in the water. We also went on a trip at the beigning of the year called "Team Trek." It helped us deal with hardships later on in your life, and to experience what the real world throws at you later on in life. We did a lot of hiking and we had a fun time. The best part of the trip was when we got to watch "Remember the Titans" which is my favorite movie. On the last day we had to pick up 100 students by hand, and heave them over a 15 foot wall. After that we had t take a pledge that we would take 100% responsibility. Team Trek taught me alot of things that would be thown at me, and it is good to get the experience early.

Unknown said...

Heyy!!! For our class trip we went to a place called Team Treck. We wnet there to built trusting skills with our classmates! I was not very fun, but I made a lot of new friends. Mr. Miller told us scary stories around a bonfire one night, and I could not sleep!!! The scary story still scares me sometimes!I went on a HUGE zippline, and it was so much fun! We also did a lot of stuff with ropes! Our spring break was 2 weeks ago and I went no where!!! It was very relaxing though. This weekend our school has a dace, and I cannot wait!

Unknown said...

nice blog. what's a kampung????