Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
My 6th Grade Wordle!!

All of my words represent a separate aspect of middle school. By mixed, I mean not only that we all have different classes, but that all of us are also very different. Some of us are white. Some of us are Asian, some Aussie, yet we all mix, talk, play, laugh, learn, an grow up together. We also have more choice than in elementary school. We choose the classes we want to do, how we perform, if we hang out with the right people, if we will not bother being in class on time, etc. Depending on the choices we make, school can be easy, challenging, or difficult. For me, school is relatively easy, although depending on the subject and time, it can be challenging. Note that I said challenging, not difficult. Challenging is good, as we should all be pushed, And try to be on top of the challenges, but difficult means that either we aren't making the right choices, or we are in the wrong class.
The choices we make are important, as if we decide not to study for our major tests, then we will probably fail, which not only impacts our current grade, but later on, universities will see or horrible grade, and will be less likely to accept us. With out a degree or some form of higher education, we probably won't get a good job, meaning low income, meaning we can't obtain enough to support ourselves/family, and we end up as the homeless people that we see begging at the side of the road in their cardboard box home, and we will die in around 10 years. So our choices are important in the long term. Our classes are varied, as we have so many different choices, subjects, and focuses, which help us develop into well rounded individuals, and we also learn to balance our many different classes. Through our choices, we have more experiences, which can be positive and negative. Negatively, we can be bad students, and have to get special help, or end up in Mr. Callan's office, or we have a nice, positive effect, and we get given awards for being academically gifted, or get to know our teachers, and get on their good side. In order to be a good student though, we need to be organized, know where everything is, when our homework is due, what to give to what teacher, etc.
If we aren't so organized, or aren't to good at some subjects, our peers and teachers inspire us to do better, our teachers by pusing us to be better, and our peers by setting a good example. We not only have in school courses, but we also have after school activities, and once again, we choose the activity we want, and we have fun. One of our in-school optional courses is taking a language, from a choice of Spanish, French, and Mandarin. If we don't want to, we don't have to take a language, although it is fun to try one out and see how it goes. All of us are, deep down, intelligent to some degree, and the school wants to put our intelligence to the test, and also give us the gift of knowledge.
Another thing that helps us boost our friendships and grades is to communicate effectively. Not only is communicating effectively one of the SLRs, but it also helps with relationships; both romantic and friendly. In a friendship, if the two don't communicate, they don't know about eachother, end up breaking away from eachother. In romance, if you don't communicate with the girl/boy, you don't know when your date is or how comfortable you are with everyone knowing you are together, etc.
During our time in middle school, we also grow mature, and as a result, our teachers don't accept bad behaiviour as much as they used to. In Humanities, we started up blogs, which are not only a convenient way of posting stuff, but we can express ourselves as much as we want, and I am currently giving you al this information from my blog. In middle school, many things expand; our knowledge, amount of friendships, feelings, bodies, our communities, and so on. The shcool is rather spacious, making it easy to get lost in on the first day, but fun to play and hang out in. All the teachers are friendly, and always make you feel welcome, are part of the fun in our classes. All this is exciting, isn't it?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hey Again Peeps.
Due to a shortage ideas that I liked on the comments, I decided to talk about Xmas. And aliens.
Aliens are cooler than Santa. I mean, come on, aliens have lasers, huge grey ships, and abduct people! Santa gives out presents. Who agrees with me?
Vote for aliens!
Or, vote for Santa if you want, I just wanna know your honest vote!
Aliens are cooler than Santa. I mean, come on, aliens have lasers, huge grey ships, and abduct people! Santa gives out presents. Who agrees with me?
Vote for aliens!
Or, vote for Santa if you want, I just wanna know your honest vote!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Hey, world. I just feel like posting a post on my blog, but I want it not to be too random, but I don't know what to make it about. Any ideas?
Post your ideas as a comment, I'll read them, I'll post them. Sound good?
Post your ideas as a comment, I'll read them, I'll post them. Sound good?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Whingy Dingy Whangy Whong
I am a fortune teller, no the Fortune Teller.
In your future I see.....
Boy- I see awesomeness truly showing itself to you, in a way that I cannot explain, but you will know when you see it.
Girl- I see happiness and sadness at the same time, an event that will change your life for ever.
Now, if your favourite colour is
Green- Life will reveal its true meaning to you, while you are left wondering in your own thoughts, figuring out what it means for you.
Red- Your journey will end soon, and you will uncover what it means to be in the light of the ghost, and in the dark of a winter scarecrow.
Other- Life will reel you in like a fish, so you think you are, lost, trapped, and alone, to discover that you were on the road to self enlightenment all along.
Finally, if you are
0-12 years old- You will mature at a young age, yet no matter height, always be one head above others.
13-17- You will finish school in 6 years or less, and you will grow to respect your youngers and elders, whilst keeping the true glory for yourself.
18-25- You have completed adolesence, yet there is still a child left within.... do you dare reveal it?
26-37- You are getting to the stage in life where you want to settle down with a family and stay employed, so make use of this time and talk to other co-workers.
38-49- You're getting on a bit, aren't you? Try something new, say, shaving at work, or coming home early to relax infront of the TV every last day of every second month.
50-112- Man you're old!
113-250- You still here?
Now, The Fortune Teller says....
Break a bad habit now, and it will add 1000 years onto your life expectancy!*
The Fortune Teller
The Fortune Teller
* Offer valid until December 31st, 2008
In your future I see.....
Boy- I see awesomeness truly showing itself to you, in a way that I cannot explain, but you will know when you see it.
Girl- I see happiness and sadness at the same time, an event that will change your life for ever.
Now, if your favourite colour is
Green- Life will reveal its true meaning to you, while you are left wondering in your own thoughts, figuring out what it means for you.
Red- Your journey will end soon, and you will uncover what it means to be in the light of the ghost, and in the dark of a winter scarecrow.
Other- Life will reel you in like a fish, so you think you are, lost, trapped, and alone, to discover that you were on the road to self enlightenment all along.
Finally, if you are
0-12 years old- You will mature at a young age, yet no matter height, always be one head above others.
13-17- You will finish school in 6 years or less, and you will grow to respect your youngers and elders, whilst keeping the true glory for yourself.
18-25- You have completed adolesence, yet there is still a child left within.... do you dare reveal it?
26-37- You are getting to the stage in life where you want to settle down with a family and stay employed, so make use of this time and talk to other co-workers.
38-49- You're getting on a bit, aren't you? Try something new, say, shaving at work, or coming home early to relax infront of the TV every last day of every second month.
50-112- Man you're old!
113-250- You still here?
Now, The Fortune Teller says....
Break a bad habit now, and it will add 1000 years onto your life expectancy!*
The Fortune Teller
The Fortune Teller
* Offer valid until December 31st, 2008
News of The Next Millenium!!!
Hi. I am the reporter from the year 3008. My TARDIS malfunctioned, so I ended up in your puny 21st century.... you live in a world of anciet history.......
Anyway, for the news, in approximately 992 years, the Gondoloriffiicus Masterieousinium Clorifortifoniuoist Cortex (AKA the Big Brain Thingy) will take over the world we used to (around 800 years ago) called earth, now Neomolithicus, and we will all be Roborgs. In roughly 999 years, 7 months, and 3 weeks, it will be my 1011th birthday! Whoopee! Happy early 1011th Birthday to me! And we all ate (eat, will eat) cake! Tasty chocolate peanut butter cake......
Also, in 1000 years, the evil dark hooded dictator who tells really bad jokes will have his birthday (or anti-birthday), celebrating (or anti-celebrating) by reining the terror of this blackgulls on Neomolithicus, and telling a really bad birthday joke...... scary and funny....... Finally, J.R.R. Tolkein rises from the semi-dead and writes the fourth Lord of the Rings book titled "Return of The President" featuring Obama and Gandalf fighting over their banished presidencies on November 5th, 3008. Also, Friends series 7 gets released as a boxset DVD on....... No, Wait! That's past news!!!!
Good night, I have seen you sleep well, and time will repeat itself,
A!d@n of The Future
Possibly sponsered by Friends-
Buy your series 5,674,982 DVD boxset on December 11th, 3008!
Anyway, for the news, in approximately 992 years, the Gondoloriffiicus Masterieousinium Clorifortifoniuoist Cortex (AKA the Big Brain Thingy) will take over the world we used to (around 800 years ago) called earth, now Neomolithicus, and we will all be Roborgs. In roughly 999 years, 7 months, and 3 weeks, it will be my 1011th birthday! Whoopee! Happy early 1011th Birthday to me! And we all ate (eat, will eat) cake! Tasty chocolate peanut butter cake......
Also, in 1000 years, the evil dark hooded dictator who tells really bad jokes will have his birthday (or anti-birthday), celebrating (or anti-celebrating) by reining the terror of this blackgulls on Neomolithicus, and telling a really bad birthday joke...... scary and funny....... Finally, J.R.R. Tolkein rises from the semi-dead and writes the fourth Lord of the Rings book titled "Return of The President" featuring Obama and Gandalf fighting over their banished presidencies on November 5th, 3008. Also, Friends series 7 gets released as a boxset DVD on....... No, Wait! That's past news!!!!
Good night, I have seen you sleep well, and time will repeat itself,
A!d@n of The Future
Possibly sponsered by Friends-
Buy your series 5,674,982 DVD boxset on December 11th, 3008!
Monday, November 10, 2008
7:40 PM
Vote on the poll of Aidan!
Please people, we want change, we want dreams to be seen, so VOTE, ladies and gents, and remember, voting closes on November 29th or 30th, I don't quite know which, so VOTE,VOTE,VOTE.
Must be between the ages of 10 and 18 to vote.
Vote on the poll of Aidan!
Please people, we want change, we want dreams to be seen, so VOTE, ladies and gents, and remember, voting closes on November 29th or 30th, I don't quite know which, so VOTE,VOTE,VOTE.
Must be between the ages of 10 and 18 to vote.

We can help by creating our own little fundraiser week and donating the money to the SPCA, or we could visit the SPCA once a month or so, and help them feed the animals or clean cages, etc... We could also spread the word of the SPCA by helping create posters, or forwarding a link to their website to other people, spreading the word, and they might send the link to their friends/family, who may send it to more people, in a nearly endless chain of people, who are likely to help the SPCA, by donating or adopting, and raising awareness of animal rights. I find it sad that we just neglect animals, leaving them inadequete space, food supply, and old water, leaving them to waste away in a cage, or even cutting off their upper mouth/nose (the picture really got to me, made me squirm and think), leaving them inable to get food, eat, drink, and bite. We should also not limit this all to sixth graders; we should expand this to the whole middle school! After all, the more helpers, the better: more clean cages, more people who may spread the word, more possible adopters, more participators; the SPCA would really benefit from more of those. Also, I hope we do go down there at times (as I suggested above), starting soon!
Also, their website is www.spca.com .
Go there for more info.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The qualities of a leader are honesty, loyalty, forward-thinking (planning), being able to follow as well as inspire and lead, to be trustworthy, brave, persevering, optimistic, practical, and never backing down until the objective is completed. Leaders have to be able to gain trust and backing in many people, have a valid cause, be persevering to fight (usually vocally) until the cause has been settled, must be honest with their supporters, and they must plan ahead to be successful, just as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did with segregation, or Gandhi with salt taxes, or Rosa Parks with coloured bus seats, or Neslon Mandela for standing up for black rights,and Oprah Winfrey for opening a school in Africa for underprivileged girls. Those are only a few fantastic leaders in this world. (Although Gandhi, Martin Luther, Rosa Parks are all dead.) Leaders also stay positive through thick and thin, and always strive for things to be better for all.
Friday, October 10, 2008
What if you were a fairy, floating in the breeze, watching the millenia fly by, with all the knowledge of the world, the height of an ant, the personality of a bubble, the temper of of dynamite, the gracefullness of a butterfly, the bright colours of a peacock, and the heart of a robot?
What if I made that question way shorter?
What if we were aliens on a human planet?
What if they cancel Friends tonight?
What if, What if,..................
What if?
What if I made that question way shorter?
What if we were aliens on a human planet?
What if they cancel Friends tonight?
What if, What if,..................
What if?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My Idea of Courage

My idea of courage comes under many categories. One of my ideas is partially obvious- facing fears, the same as when I walked past a peacock (one of my numerous wimpy fears). Another is going out of your comfort zone. Things like me standing up to a bully when he was kicking me to the ground, or when I talked to the girl I liked, or when a person was getting teased by an older guy and I squeezed his shoulder. Courage can also mean helping people you don't know very well, or telling your parent about your F on that math test, and maybe even making friends with people. Lastly, courage may mean taking on someone else's problem, or taking someone else's pain. An example of this is in most movies, were the heroes take a bullet that was meant for the damsel in distress, or when I jumped in front of someone who was being punched by a bully. To me, courage basically means doing something you wouldn't do, facing your fears, or risking yourself for others.
If you are looking at my blog for fun, I am about to write a school paragraph. It contains boring ideas about courage. Viewer discretion is advised.
Monday, September 29, 2008
I Hate Mondays...
Hello people of the blogging universe.
I am an alien. I have come to invade your measly planet, and suck out its core with a bendy straw.
Just Joking... maybe.
Blogging is addicting.
:) :) :) :) :) :)
I am an alien. I have come to invade your measly planet, and suck out its core with a bendy straw.
Just Joking... maybe.
Blogging is addicting.
:) :) :) :) :) :)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Saturday Morning
Hello, I'm just having fun on my blog on a Saturday morning... There's nothing wrong with that, is there?
Does anyone else like sci-fi, Mythbusters, and Man vs. Wild? They are so awesome!!!!
I will admit I am just a bit (a bit) of a boring person. Maybe the world needs more nerds like me...
Time to look at my hamsters! :)
Does anyone else like sci-fi, Mythbusters, and Man vs. Wild? They are so awesome!!!!
I will admit I am just a bit (a bit) of a boring person. Maybe the world needs more nerds like me...
Time to look at my hamsters! :)
Hey... Homework Is Now Okay, I Guess...
Doin' my homework... you know, I like blogging. I'm going to log on three times a week! This is so fun! My science extension homework isn't loading now, so I'll try again in a minute...
BLOGGING RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you've read my last blog, then I want to add a bit more onto it... I LOVE LEGO!!!!! If you haven't read it, why don't you go and read it now?
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
BLOGGING RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you've read my last blog, then I want to add a bit more onto it... I LOVE LEGO!!!!! If you haven't read it, why don't you go and read it now?
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hello, peeps!
Hi, I'm Aidan. I have quite a few fun hobbies- cycling, Tae-Kwan-Do, reading, web-surfing, goofing around with my friends, and watching TV. My favourite subject is Science Extension, although Maths is kind of tied with it. I can't believe I am allowed to make a blog in class! Most people HATE my singing, but I still sing frequently. I've also lived all around the world, and I eat absolutely anything (except tomatoes...)! Once, I ate a termite. It tasted like carrots. Well, I'll write more later... Bye! :)
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