Friday, November 14, 2008

News of The Next Millenium!!!

Hi. I am the reporter from the year 3008. My TARDIS malfunctioned, so I ended up in your puny 21st century.... you live in a world of anciet history.......

Anyway, for the news, in approximately 992 years, the Gondoloriffiicus Masterieousinium Clorifortifoniuoist Cortex (AKA the Big Brain Thingy) will take over the world we used to (around 800 years ago) called earth, now Neomolithicus, and we will all be Roborgs. In roughly 999 years, 7 months, and 3 weeks, it will be my 1011th birthday! Whoopee! Happy early 1011th Birthday to me! And we all ate (eat, will eat) cake! Tasty chocolate peanut butter cake......
Also, in 1000 years, the evil dark hooded dictator who tells really bad jokes will have his birthday (or anti-birthday), celebrating (or anti-celebrating) by reining the terror of this blackgulls on Neomolithicus, and telling a really bad birthday joke...... scary and funny....... Finally, J.R.R. Tolkein rises from the semi-dead and writes the fourth Lord of the Rings book titled "Return of The President" featuring Obama and Gandalf fighting over their banished presidencies on November 5th, 3008. Also, Friends series 7 gets released as a boxset DVD on....... No, Wait! That's past news!!!!
Good night, I have seen you sleep well, and time will repeat itself,
A!d@n of The Future

Possibly sponsered by Friends-
Buy your series 5,674,982 DVD boxset on December 11th, 3008!


Im fabian said...

You took obama gandalf from Daniel!!!

Aidan L said...
