Monday, November 10, 2008


We can help by creating our own little fundraiser week and donating the money to the SPCA, or we could visit the SPCA once a month or so, and help them feed the animals or clean cages, etc... We could also spread the word of the SPCA by helping create posters, or forwarding a link to their website to other people, spreading the word, and they might send the link to their friends/family, who may send it to more people, in a nearly endless chain of people, who are likely to help the SPCA, by donating or adopting, and raising awareness of animal rights. I find it sad that we just neglect animals, leaving them inadequete space, food supply, and old water, leaving them to waste away in a cage, or even cutting off their upper mouth/nose (the picture really got to me, made me squirm and think), leaving them inable to get food, eat, drink, and bite. We should also not limit this all to sixth graders; we should expand this to the whole middle school! After all, the more helpers, the better: more clean cages, more people who may spread the word, more possible adopters, more participators; the SPCA would really benefit from more of those. Also, I hope we do go down there at times (as I suggested above), starting
Also, their website is .
Go there for more info.

1 comment:

Im fabian said...

The cat photo isnt getting badly treated!! it lost its cookies!!