Friday, October 30, 2009


Hello world.

My life is rather dull at the moment, so I have nothing to write. Except, that is, for quotes from the book I'm reading, Eragon! Most of you have probably read it, but I wanted to do this post anyway, and show others what they are missing out on.

"The energy inside him burned at an unbearable level. He had to release it, or it would consume him. A word suddenly lept unbidden to his lips. He shot, yelling, "Brisingr!" The arrow hissed through the air, glowing through the air, glowing with a classical blue light. It struck the lead Urgal on the forehead, and the air resounded with an explosion. A blue shock wave blasted out of the monster's head, killing the other Urgal instantly."

Intense, isn't it?

Want to know more? Read the book!

This is the cover of the version of the book I have. The other cover is of a blue dragon. The blue dragon on the other version is Eragon's dragon, Saphira. I'm guessing Saphira was derived from sapphire, the gemstone and the shade of blue.

The citation-
No, wait, citation machine isn't loading. Oh well, I'll just have to put the URL.

The site is by a man called Tony Chor.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Don't You Just Hate Unanswered Questions?

Today, my friend and I had another dispute, this time health based. Yes, it is about only a certain type of person ruling the world, like my last post, and has little Humanities content, although is a bit interesting.
Firstly, for those of you who are not familiar with the 7th Grade Health curriculum, we are covering predominant brain sides, the logic side (mine!) and the gestalt (a German word, as well as my friend's side). Gestalt people are more likely to have random outbursts, be more active learners (as in has to play with something or run around to learn), and generally more social. The current school curriculum is more based for logic people. Basically, logic people are like Vulcans, for those of you Star Trek fans out there, with little room for emotion, a head for numbers, sequencing, and writing.

Now, my friend and I wondered if the world would be a better place if the world would be a better place if entirely populated with logic or gestalt people. The gestalts would be random, and have no order, yet logic people would be stuck in a rut of conformity, and be uncompassionate. We came to an agreement that the world needed both people to be a good place.

Also, just an interesting note, when our teacher told the gestalt and logic people to get together by function and read about their functions to their fellow brain-mates, the gestalts run and jumped and shouted when they got together at first, whereas us logic people quietly sat around our hexagonal table.

Just a picture of the brain, similar to the one we have at school in front of the MS Office. This has functions, however does not label the logic side of the brain (usually the left) or the gestalt side (usually the right).

I'm in a rush today, so no citations for now!
Image from-

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anarchy Wonder

What would the world look like if everyone was an anarchist?
Would it be torn up, or would it actually be better than ours?
If everyone had freedom to express themselves, and corroded conformity, then we'd all be so different that wars may take place, but we'd be free. There would be no controversy over world leaders. There would be no royalty. There would be no uniform for anything.
Then again, we'd all destroy things. We may choose to get along, or we may be at each other's throats. We would have no ruling body, no representative, no laws, and we would run rampant, all killing and stealing.

It may be good, it may be bad. We may never know, no matter how much we want to.

For those of you who haven't seen it, this is the anarchist symbol. Know it, love it, worship it. I'm joking about the last two bits, but it's good to know.
Actually, there was a spray-painted one of these on a dumpster behind my old school in the US. I asked my dad about it, and he said anarchy was bad, and it would thrust us all into death. I might agree, I might not. I'm not sure yet.
And, to everyone's joy, I've got a decent amount of time today, so I can do a citation!
Image by/found on-
Stewart, David J. "Criss Angel, the Occult and Satanism." Criss Angel EXPOSED!. Web. 20 Oct 2009.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another Link Made!

Sorry I haven't posted anything this week, but I've been busy.

Anyway, this is just a breif post with a few links I made over the weekend.

In the book I'm reading, Eragon, there is a character called Hrothgar. Could he be of any relation to our good friend, King Hrothgar of Beowulf? He might be, as JRR Tolkein based Lord of the Rings on Beowulf, and Eragon is similar.

Also, in a fun game I have, Heroscape, there are 2 characters I found links with, both to Norse mythology. Firstly, there is an ice dragon called Niflheim, who is probably based on the icy Norse realm. Secondly, there is a giant called Jotun, similar to Jotunheim. Jotun may be a word describing someone from Jotunheim, however I'm not sure. These probably do come from the Norse myths, as Heroscape does that with figures from the past.

I chose this image because it looks like all the little things coming together to connect, and be one large thing. Odd reason, but to me, it looks like details be connected.

Found on-

Sorry once again that I didn't do a fancy citation, but I'm in a rush, and my parents need me to clean the hamster cages now. I'll post more next week!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Myth Update- Found a Segment!

After 20 minutes of hard Google searching, I found a segment relating to my myths-

"Thor was once outwitted by a giant king, Útgarða-Loki. The king, using his magic, tricked Thor. The king raced Thought itself against Thor’s fast servant, Þjálfi (nothing being faster than thought, which can leap from land to land, and from time to time, in an instant). Then, Loki (who was with Thor) was challenged by Útgarða-Loki to an eating contest with one of his servants, Logi. Loki lost, eventually. The servant even ate up the trough containing the food. The servant was an illusion of “Wild-Fire”, no living thing being able to equal the consumption rate of fire. He called Thor weak when he only lifted the paw of a cat, the cat being the illusion of the Midgard Serpent. Thor was challenged to a drinking contest, and could not empty a horn which was filled not with mead but was connected to the ocean. This action started tidal changes. And here, Thor wrestled an old woman, who was Old Age, something no one could beat, to one knee. Thor left humiliated, but was heartened later when he met a messager who told he that he had in fact performed great feats worthy of a powerful warrior god for doing as well as he did with those challenges."

Thanks to heavenly king of The Lounge posting forums ( for your post on Norse mythology!

On another note, I asked my dad about cube planets. He said they were impossible providing they stayed still, however, if it rotated and revolved like the Earth, then all the forces from the outside would squish it into a sphere. I found that interesting. However, if it didn't sphere-ify, it would have a messed up gravitational pull on itself.

This time, I chose an image of Thor, the challenged god of the drinking myths. He doesn't look like the type of guy that enjoys losing, does he? He is holding his special hammer, which he used in battle to kill his enemies.

Image Citation-
roni, . 05-01-09. Online Posting to Playa.Info. Web. 10 Oct 2009.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Where The Hell is Matt???

I'm just going to cut the waffle- I LOVED his video!

I found it interesting, the way he thought of himself in a scientific way, as a puny primate incapable of accepting today's world. I do agree with him though, that inside we are all the same, and that being different isn't bad- it's actually good, interlinking with the saying, "To be strange is to be normal, but to be normal is to be strange".

Actually, I remember a few months ago when my parents and I went out cycling. We were at the top of the hill, by a little refreshment house, and we watched the little boy there play with a small red car. It was just like watching any little boy play. We thought that if you gave a small red toy car to a little boy from Malaysia, one from the UK, one from Sweden, one from the US, one from Australia, one from the Middle East, one from Brazil, one from Zimbabwe, one from Singapore, one from Japan, and one from Egypt, they'd probably all do the same thing. They'd all probably push in backwards and forwards, and make the engine noises, and the break noises, and make it go around in circles and off tables.

In 5th grade, Mrs. Williams said something similar, which I agree to. All people are born the same, however their upbringing and suroundings change them as they grow older.

It also reminds me of a classic Trini saying- "The same, but different" for obvious reasons.

I beleive this is the element Matt is drawing on with his horrible dancing, which, by the way, I can do too! I can jump up and down and swing my arms about!

I chose this random-looking picture because of the little square-rectangle-thingies (so descriptive, I know). They are black and white, but they're mixed! Is there a black half and a white half? No! Why should our world be different? We're all square-rectangle-thingies on the inside, it's just our outside appearence that differs! As the old saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

Found on

Sorry I didn't do a citation like last time, but I'm in a hurry...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A New Ponder

Haven't found the myth yet, but I will! I'll do it on the weekend, when I'm bored and have no homework.

Also, when I came home today, I thought about my post and realized a literacy link! How amazing!

The theory of a never ending cup of tea is used in a series of books I've read called Barry Trotter. They're all a totally innappropriate parody, I wouldn't really reccommend them, but in the second one, it's mentioned the someone is drinking a magical cup of coffee that never ends, that also put Starbucks out of buisness.

I also had a thought- What would happen if the Earth was a cube?

I mean, would we fall of the edge and land on the other side of the world?

Would there be an Edge where water would run down into the vast infinity of space, only to not fall due to antigravity?

Would we have the same orbital patterns?

Would we have day and night, or would there be never-ending days in some regions and eternal darkness in others?

What about the corners? Would they have land? Could water stay on them?

Would our planet be too hot for life forms?

That is one of the weird things you think of when you're me...

I chose this picture just because I thought it was interesting to see a cube-shaped galactic body.

Pretty cool, isn't it? It's an image from a videogame, Spore. One of their patches caused a slight problem...

Image Citation-

"The Right Angle? Spore Adds Cube Planets." ROCK, PAPER, SHOTGUN, 20/10/08. Web. 7 Oct 2009. .

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Wee Ponder....

On Thursday night, I was sitting with my parents, saying that it would be nice to have a never-ending cup of tea- you wouldn't have to keep running to the kettle to make more, and you could never run out of tea bags.

My dad then said that in Norse mythology, a titan challenged a god to a drinking match, and lost. The point was for the titan to drink all the sea, although he didn't manage, because his goblet was always full, no matter how much he drank.

He also said there was another Norse myth, where two people challenge eachother to an eating contest. The challenger lost, just to discover that his opponent was fire.

I proceeded to talk about the Prometheus myth we read, and how they described fire as a person too, in a way.

Kind of amazing how some idle comment turns into an educational conversation!

Also, I want to find the myths, and when I do, I'll post them here for everyone to look at.

I chose the picture up at the top because the teacup is vomiting, and letting go of its materials, but looks like it's still got something inside it. It's similar to my thought of the never-ending cup, with it all going out yet staying in.

Image Citation-
~epione, . "T SHIRT: Vomiting Tea Cup." deviantART, 08/07/09. Web. 7 Oct 2009. .