Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Double Blog Post Madness!!! Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of my Double Blog Post Madness!

Now, I'm going to talk about how Pokemon is realistic. I mean, you see Pidgeys and Spearows flying through the skies too, right?

Just joking. I honestly don't have much to say now, so I'm just going to fob you off with a book quote. Sorry!

Actually, I'm going to give you two quotes, because it's my favourite book I'm quoting- CHERUB: The Recruit!

"James Choke hated Combined Science. It should have been test tubes, jets of gas and sparks flying all over the place, like he'd imagined when he was still at primary school. What he got was an hour propped on a stool watching Miss Voolt write on a blackboard. You had to write everything down even though the photocopier got invented forty years earlier. It was the last lesson but one, raining outside and turning dark. James was sleepy because the lab was hot and he'd been up late playing Grand Theft Auto the night before."

"Greg Jennings hung out with a gang of crazies. They were kings of the estate where James lived: smashing up cars, mugging people, getting into fights. If another kid saw them he'd look down at his shoes, cross his fingers and be happy if all he came away with was a slapped face and his money taxed. A good way to upset the gang was to beat up one of their little sisters. Greg Jennings grazed James' face along the bricks. "It's your turn now, James." He let go of James' arm. James could feel blood dribbling down his nose and cheek. There was no point struggling: Greg could snap him like a twig. "Scared?" Greg asked. "You ought to be." James tried to speak, only his voice didn't work and the way he was trembling seemed to answer anyway. "Got money?" Greg asked. James took out the rest of the forty pounds. "Nice one," Greg said. "Please don't hurt my sister," James begged. "My sister has eight stitches in her face," Greg said, pulling a knife out of his pocket. "Lucky I don't go around hurting little girls, or your sister might have ended up with eighty." Greg sliced off James' school tie. Then he cut the chest buttons off his shirt and slashed up his trousers. "This is just the start, James," Greg said. "We're gonna be seeing a lot of each other."

Want to read more? Buy CHERUB: The Recruit, and the rest of the CHERUB series!

Thanks to Robert Muchamore for writing awesome books, and for putting all their covers and reviews on your website!
Go to for more CHERUB goodness!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Double Blog Post Madness!!! Part 1

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't posted anything in the last week. To make up for it though, I'm going to post two posts today! Two whole posts! I've never had this much excitement since the last MS party back at the begining of September! If you get easily bored, you should do one of the following about now-

1. Read another blog.

2. Stare at the sun so you go blind, then read.

3. Walk away.

If you're still reading this, I'm presuming you aren't easily bored, and so I will now continue with my post.

I've always thought of one thing, now more than ever since I'm now doing Wild Malaysia- the world was fine until we came along. Yes, we are an intelligent life form, and it may be good to have a few of those on the planet, but we have single-handedly destroyed our world. Our economy is crashing, our politics suck, and the prices of everything are on the rise. Those are our problems, but have we ever thought of something other than ourselves? There are loads of endangered and extinct species out in the wild, and majority of them are endangered/extinct because of us. We have to cut down their environment for another condominium, or hunt them to make a quick buck. I feel sorry for many animals, and want to help them.

How I can start up something big enough I haven't the foggiest clue, but I feel we should do something. We could use advanced cloning to go and make more animals, with which we could start a new race, or maybe expand on existing animal species. For example, there is one Galapagos turtle left, and he's captive. So, we just take some of Lonesome George's DNA, put in a lab, inject it into a generic egg, and we have another turtle! The turtles could breed just before George dies (He's somewhere around 100). If we could do that, we could revive so many species...

Think, we could have T-rexes running around, we could frolic in the flowers with dodo birds, we could even study golden toads!

Then the world would be great! We could even cross breed and make a few animals of our own!

This is Lonesome George. Maybe someday soon he'll have a mate...
Hopefully, some of you reading this are interested in cloning, and might fulfill my legacy with me. When I grow up, I want to do many things, but I'd really love to give George a female buddy he can mate with. Then he can die happy.

The citation-
"Lonesome George." Wikipedia. 16/08/09. Web

Friday, October 30, 2009


Hello world.

My life is rather dull at the moment, so I have nothing to write. Except, that is, for quotes from the book I'm reading, Eragon! Most of you have probably read it, but I wanted to do this post anyway, and show others what they are missing out on.

"The energy inside him burned at an unbearable level. He had to release it, or it would consume him. A word suddenly lept unbidden to his lips. He shot, yelling, "Brisingr!" The arrow hissed through the air, glowing through the air, glowing with a classical blue light. It struck the lead Urgal on the forehead, and the air resounded with an explosion. A blue shock wave blasted out of the monster's head, killing the other Urgal instantly."

Intense, isn't it?

Want to know more? Read the book!

This is the cover of the version of the book I have. The other cover is of a blue dragon. The blue dragon on the other version is Eragon's dragon, Saphira. I'm guessing Saphira was derived from sapphire, the gemstone and the shade of blue.

The citation-
No, wait, citation machine isn't loading. Oh well, I'll just have to put the URL.

The site is by a man called Tony Chor.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Don't You Just Hate Unanswered Questions?

Today, my friend and I had another dispute, this time health based. Yes, it is about only a certain type of person ruling the world, like my last post, and has little Humanities content, although is a bit interesting.
Firstly, for those of you who are not familiar with the 7th Grade Health curriculum, we are covering predominant brain sides, the logic side (mine!) and the gestalt (a German word, as well as my friend's side). Gestalt people are more likely to have random outbursts, be more active learners (as in has to play with something or run around to learn), and generally more social. The current school curriculum is more based for logic people. Basically, logic people are like Vulcans, for those of you Star Trek fans out there, with little room for emotion, a head for numbers, sequencing, and writing.

Now, my friend and I wondered if the world would be a better place if the world would be a better place if entirely populated with logic or gestalt people. The gestalts would be random, and have no order, yet logic people would be stuck in a rut of conformity, and be uncompassionate. We came to an agreement that the world needed both people to be a good place.

Also, just an interesting note, when our teacher told the gestalt and logic people to get together by function and read about their functions to their fellow brain-mates, the gestalts run and jumped and shouted when they got together at first, whereas us logic people quietly sat around our hexagonal table.

Just a picture of the brain, similar to the one we have at school in front of the MS Office. This has functions, however does not label the logic side of the brain (usually the left) or the gestalt side (usually the right).

I'm in a rush today, so no citations for now!
Image from-

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anarchy Wonder

What would the world look like if everyone was an anarchist?
Would it be torn up, or would it actually be better than ours?
If everyone had freedom to express themselves, and corroded conformity, then we'd all be so different that wars may take place, but we'd be free. There would be no controversy over world leaders. There would be no royalty. There would be no uniform for anything.
Then again, we'd all destroy things. We may choose to get along, or we may be at each other's throats. We would have no ruling body, no representative, no laws, and we would run rampant, all killing and stealing.

It may be good, it may be bad. We may never know, no matter how much we want to.

For those of you who haven't seen it, this is the anarchist symbol. Know it, love it, worship it. I'm joking about the last two bits, but it's good to know.
Actually, there was a spray-painted one of these on a dumpster behind my old school in the US. I asked my dad about it, and he said anarchy was bad, and it would thrust us all into death. I might agree, I might not. I'm not sure yet.
And, to everyone's joy, I've got a decent amount of time today, so I can do a citation!
Image by/found on-
Stewart, David J. "Criss Angel, the Occult and Satanism." Criss Angel EXPOSED!. Web. 20 Oct 2009.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another Link Made!

Sorry I haven't posted anything this week, but I've been busy.

Anyway, this is just a breif post with a few links I made over the weekend.

In the book I'm reading, Eragon, there is a character called Hrothgar. Could he be of any relation to our good friend, King Hrothgar of Beowulf? He might be, as JRR Tolkein based Lord of the Rings on Beowulf, and Eragon is similar.

Also, in a fun game I have, Heroscape, there are 2 characters I found links with, both to Norse mythology. Firstly, there is an ice dragon called Niflheim, who is probably based on the icy Norse realm. Secondly, there is a giant called Jotun, similar to Jotunheim. Jotun may be a word describing someone from Jotunheim, however I'm not sure. These probably do come from the Norse myths, as Heroscape does that with figures from the past.

I chose this image because it looks like all the little things coming together to connect, and be one large thing. Odd reason, but to me, it looks like details be connected.

Found on-

Sorry once again that I didn't do a fancy citation, but I'm in a rush, and my parents need me to clean the hamster cages now. I'll post more next week!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Myth Update- Found a Segment!

After 20 minutes of hard Google searching, I found a segment relating to my myths-

"Thor was once outwitted by a giant king, Útgarða-Loki. The king, using his magic, tricked Thor. The king raced Thought itself against Thor’s fast servant, Þjálfi (nothing being faster than thought, which can leap from land to land, and from time to time, in an instant). Then, Loki (who was with Thor) was challenged by Útgarða-Loki to an eating contest with one of his servants, Logi. Loki lost, eventually. The servant even ate up the trough containing the food. The servant was an illusion of “Wild-Fire”, no living thing being able to equal the consumption rate of fire. He called Thor weak when he only lifted the paw of a cat, the cat being the illusion of the Midgard Serpent. Thor was challenged to a drinking contest, and could not empty a horn which was filled not with mead but was connected to the ocean. This action started tidal changes. And here, Thor wrestled an old woman, who was Old Age, something no one could beat, to one knee. Thor left humiliated, but was heartened later when he met a messager who told he that he had in fact performed great feats worthy of a powerful warrior god for doing as well as he did with those challenges."

Thanks to heavenly king of The Lounge posting forums ( for your post on Norse mythology!

On another note, I asked my dad about cube planets. He said they were impossible providing they stayed still, however, if it rotated and revolved like the Earth, then all the forces from the outside would squish it into a sphere. I found that interesting. However, if it didn't sphere-ify, it would have a messed up gravitational pull on itself.

This time, I chose an image of Thor, the challenged god of the drinking myths. He doesn't look like the type of guy that enjoys losing, does he? He is holding his special hammer, which he used in battle to kill his enemies.

Image Citation-
roni, . 05-01-09. Online Posting to Playa.Info. Web. 10 Oct 2009.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Where The Hell is Matt???

I'm just going to cut the waffle- I LOVED his video!

I found it interesting, the way he thought of himself in a scientific way, as a puny primate incapable of accepting today's world. I do agree with him though, that inside we are all the same, and that being different isn't bad- it's actually good, interlinking with the saying, "To be strange is to be normal, but to be normal is to be strange".

Actually, I remember a few months ago when my parents and I went out cycling. We were at the top of the hill, by a little refreshment house, and we watched the little boy there play with a small red car. It was just like watching any little boy play. We thought that if you gave a small red toy car to a little boy from Malaysia, one from the UK, one from Sweden, one from the US, one from Australia, one from the Middle East, one from Brazil, one from Zimbabwe, one from Singapore, one from Japan, and one from Egypt, they'd probably all do the same thing. They'd all probably push in backwards and forwards, and make the engine noises, and the break noises, and make it go around in circles and off tables.

In 5th grade, Mrs. Williams said something similar, which I agree to. All people are born the same, however their upbringing and suroundings change them as they grow older.

It also reminds me of a classic Trini saying- "The same, but different" for obvious reasons.

I beleive this is the element Matt is drawing on with his horrible dancing, which, by the way, I can do too! I can jump up and down and swing my arms about!

I chose this random-looking picture because of the little square-rectangle-thingies (so descriptive, I know). They are black and white, but they're mixed! Is there a black half and a white half? No! Why should our world be different? We're all square-rectangle-thingies on the inside, it's just our outside appearence that differs! As the old saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

Found on

Sorry I didn't do a citation like last time, but I'm in a hurry...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A New Ponder

Haven't found the myth yet, but I will! I'll do it on the weekend, when I'm bored and have no homework.

Also, when I came home today, I thought about my post and realized a literacy link! How amazing!

The theory of a never ending cup of tea is used in a series of books I've read called Barry Trotter. They're all a totally innappropriate parody, I wouldn't really reccommend them, but in the second one, it's mentioned the someone is drinking a magical cup of coffee that never ends, that also put Starbucks out of buisness.

I also had a thought- What would happen if the Earth was a cube?

I mean, would we fall of the edge and land on the other side of the world?

Would there be an Edge where water would run down into the vast infinity of space, only to not fall due to antigravity?

Would we have the same orbital patterns?

Would we have day and night, or would there be never-ending days in some regions and eternal darkness in others?

What about the corners? Would they have land? Could water stay on them?

Would our planet be too hot for life forms?

That is one of the weird things you think of when you're me...

I chose this picture just because I thought it was interesting to see a cube-shaped galactic body.

Pretty cool, isn't it? It's an image from a videogame, Spore. One of their patches caused a slight problem...

Image Citation-

"The Right Angle? Spore Adds Cube Planets." ROCK, PAPER, SHOTGUN, 20/10/08. Web. 7 Oct 2009. .

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Wee Ponder....

On Thursday night, I was sitting with my parents, saying that it would be nice to have a never-ending cup of tea- you wouldn't have to keep running to the kettle to make more, and you could never run out of tea bags.

My dad then said that in Norse mythology, a titan challenged a god to a drinking match, and lost. The point was for the titan to drink all the sea, although he didn't manage, because his goblet was always full, no matter how much he drank.

He also said there was another Norse myth, where two people challenge eachother to an eating contest. The challenger lost, just to discover that his opponent was fire.

I proceeded to talk about the Prometheus myth we read, and how they described fire as a person too, in a way.

Kind of amazing how some idle comment turns into an educational conversation!

Also, I want to find the myths, and when I do, I'll post them here for everyone to look at.

I chose the picture up at the top because the teacup is vomiting, and letting go of its materials, but looks like it's still got something inside it. It's similar to my thought of the never-ending cup, with it all going out yet staying in.

Image Citation-
~epione, . "T SHIRT: Vomiting Tea Cup." deviantART, 08/07/09. Web. 7 Oct 2009. .

Monday, September 28, 2009

Compliments- The Best Kind of Speech

I love compliments, although, I can't really remember the last time I gave one out openly. I believe it was at lunch, when I told Alan that he was awesome and cool, and in PE I told Elliot that he was good at badminton. Alan thanked me, and Elliot just smiled.
The last time I was given a compliment was in homegroup, when Mrs. Lemos said my grades were good (although I want to improve my Humanities and Spanish), which made me feel proud.

More often than not, people tend to dish out hurtful comments rather than compliments, and I'm no exception. I want to improve this, and after seeing the video, I'll think about what I say more before I let it loose. I find it funny that people go and just give out compliments for two hours. I mean, it makes our world a better place, not arguing about that, but I think it's a really good idea on the guys' part, and good on them for wanting to improve the dull, dismal, depressed, law-breaking, wasted, un-environmentally friendly, horrible ecomony world we live in.

I actually want to try this out here at lunch, as it would raise the spirits of everyone, and make life more fun and joyous in general.

And, to parrot Tesco's (as in the UK supermarket), "Every little helps!"

Found on

I chose this image mainly due to the quote on it- "Find your light and then let it shine." I feel it matched the theme of compliments, with people finding the inner light of each other, and letting out you inner light by complimenting them.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Name- The Final

My Name

Aidan Stewart Lindsay. That’s the name I know and love. Sounds powerful, doesn’t it?
Much and all as it isn’t an exotic name, like Taisala or Chi-Gong or Kanji, I enjoy saying my name. It has a certain ring to it, a ring like a high-pitched little bell. That high-pitched little bell, that lifts the spirits of the day.

Aidan means “little fire”, which really suits me. Me with my love of fire and short temper. Even in my Pokemon videogames, my favourite starter pokemon is always the fire type. I am like a wildfire, spreading my personality and thoughts quickly through the forest of middle school. I always have a glint in my eyes, similar to a spark. A spark of hope, hope that I get the A+, or hope that I pass the grading in Tae Kwan Do. Hope for just about anything. I just find that funny. That is, funny that a first name can suit a person so well.

Stewart has a fairly interesting meaning too- Guardian of the House. When you think about it, the name Stewart and its meaning both radiate power and responsibility. When I think about kings, I think about the name Stewart. Of course, that makes me think of, well, me. The high, mighty, potentially guardian, me. I actually agree with that last part- I do have the potential to be a guardian. I’m protective, mostly responsible, and have the ability to care for people and objects. That’s just what the name makes me think of.

Now that you know all this, there is bound to be a question in your head- what does Lindsay mean? It comes from linden, as in the tree. Sounds plain and boring on its own, and it’s not a really interesting meaning, but it gives me a sense of belonging. Lindsay is my clan. Lindsay is my tartan. My red, green, gold-striped patterned fabric kilt. The threads in it tie me to my family, the Lindsays, in much the same way that they pull each other together to stop me from standing in my boxers. Lindsay is everything. It defines where I come from, gives me a home and a shelter, not to mention a really cool-looking garment to wear on a cold day.

Now I’ve established why my name is so fantastic in my eyes. But how did I become Aidan Stewart Lindsay, seventh grade legend, with the spiky hair? Well, my mum wanted to find a Scottish name for me at the time, as well as something unique. She flipped through a book, and eventually she found Aidan. She liked the meaning, and went with it. Stewart is actually my maternal grandpa’s first middle name (he has two middle names, Stewart and Shedden), and seeing as he had two daughters and couldn’t carry on the good name of Brown, my mum decided to put a bit of his name in mine. Lindsay was my dad’s surname, so it got carried on to me, obviously.

Already you can tell that I have many interconnections and bindings in my name, with Stewart being one of my grandpa’s middle names, Lindsay being my clan and tartan, and Aidan being very Scotland-related. They give me a place to run to when I make the wrong choice. When everything closes in on me. When it feels like the world hates me. There’s always a warm home for me to stay in. I could be with my fellow Lindsays, all wearing red and green kilts with small golden lines. I could live with my grandfather, with the obvious name link. Or, I could just stay in Scotland, and have a sense of belonging, knowing that I am in the home of my name.

Even though my name is extremely interesting, descriptive, powerful, and meaningful, I do get teased about my last name from time to time. Lindsay Lohan is one of the many names people call me, but it’s tolerable, mainly because I’m used to it. I do consider it teasing, but I occasionally laugh at other people’s names (that is, if they laugh at mine), so I feel it gives me a wee bit more wiggle room, although I know teasing is never acceptable in a peaceful, respectful society.

Another joyous point about my name is that I’m the first person in people’s contacts on their phones, seeing as my name starts with an A. Generally, that means people call me when they’re in a flap about homework. Sadly, that occurs a LOT, and it kind of irritates me, although at the same time, it feels nice that people ask me for help. However, it does take away from my time, although I generally get through my work quickly, so it’s not a huge problem. But the name symbolizes a lot more than that. My life is the beginning of a new adventure for my family, I’m the first born child of my parents, not to mention the only one. I always try to pioneer new thoughts, new methods, new ways, even though most of them fail or are too complicated to be feasible.

There is one slight problem; there are 3 Aidan’s in my grade including me, meaning my name isn’t so individual. But I’ve come up with an ingenious way to morph the negative into a positive: to confuse teachers with our names… I never will get to old and mature to say “I’m Aidan Carroll, he’s Aidan Lindsay,” when Aidan C’s around. Most teachers hate it when we do that, but it’s really fun… Still, I probably shouldn’t be doing it…

My name. Man. I’ve never realized just how lucky I am to have a good name till now. My name is a fantastic name. I mean, it suits me, as I love fire, I’m mostly responsible and I belong to the Lindsay clan. I’ve never met anyone with a name as good as mine. Some come close, but it’s like comparing a gummy bear to a grizzly. They just aren’t the same! That is to say, my name would be the grizzly bear, which is magnitudes stronger than a gummy bear, although I am fond of gummy bears…. My name sounds poetic, just the way it naturally flows out of the mouth. Not the accusing way teachers say it, but when just saying my name for what it is. Aae-din. It has that flowing, calming sensation. Overall, as you, the reader, have probably figured out by now, I love my name. The flowing sound, the warmth it brings, being a name of fire, the meanings behind it, and the places it binds me to. So many positive points, so little negative points. Everyone should have a name as radiant, as brilliant, and utterly descriptive as mine.

(Found on

I chose this picture because not only does it show I'm from Scotland, but it features the powerful Lindsay tartan, along with the large cow-skin sporn, wee dagger, and ridiculously high socks. That, and you can see that the threads are tight enough to bind this man to the Lindsays like me, and keep his kilt up. All in all, the kilt is rather self sufficient like me- a sporn for storing objects you find, a knife for hunting your dinner/self-defence, high socks and a large kilt for warmth, and a belt for keeping you kilt on with.

My Quote- The Background

Success is a journey. The doing is often more important than the outcome- Arthur Ashe. I think this quote helps represent my life. I'm always journeying, hoping that my journey is always a stellar one, leading to whatever outcome. Even with mistakes, if you learned from it, it mostly does not matter what your grade or punishment is. As my mum says- It does not matter which side won, just so long as you enjoyed playing the game. I believe that to be true in all things. In the book I'm currently reading, Furnace : Lockdown, by Alexander Gordon Smith, the main character, Alex, goes on a horrid journey of betrayal and lies, winding up in jail. However, he does not care that he is in the world's worst prison- he only cares about the truth being revealed, that he isn't responsible for the murder of his best friend.

The image I chose was a rather abstract-looking blue line in a background of orange, by Beth Cornell. I feel the line shows the twisting journey of success, even when you are the only one on it (the orange background). The paint strokes symbolize the learning and experience gained on the journey.

Found on

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Giver Movie Trailer

Note- People under 17 cannot view this.
Just Joking!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

All About Me- Just For The 7th Grade Teachers

So, um, hi! I'm Aidan, and I am currently doing a feedback thing for 7th grade. I've met some teachers, so some of you may know me, but I'm gong to write a bit more about myself, based on the rubric I'm supposed to follow.

I'm most proud of my first Maths test, as I ended up with 104%, although I hadn't studied, which really filled me with happiness and provided a pleasant start to the year. I don't have much to say about it, other than I want to keep on doing that in 7th grade. My greatest challenge was organization, as I keep almost everything, and never bother to tidy my stuff up. It's not that I don't want to be organized, or don't know how, I just don't to it, partly out of laziness, partly out of fear of what I might find. I'll talk more about my horrible organization later. I learned during the course of the year that I really love visuals, but at the same time, hate planning, as I never do it, and that I really ant to just get on with my work, not be constantly talked through it, and be made to wait. Sometimes I feel like saying "Would you just shut your mouth, let me get the stupid computer and get on with it?", mainly because I enjoy knowing I've done what I need to do, and can relax later. Now for work habits....

Behavior- Satisfactory/Perfect
I'm not perfect, although I'm not a bad, rowdy person. I generally talk while I work, and joke around with my friend a few desks away. However, in Spanish, I tend to be a bit noisier, and sometimes start doodling on the side of my paper. Not much more to be said here...

Participation- Actively Participate In Class
I never stop contributing, and always share my ideas, to the extent that my teachers generally say "Now, can anyone EXCEPT AIDAN answer this for me?" I love letting people know what I think, even if it does place me into a bit of trouble. Still, I don't hesitate to say what I think and give answers, and ask questions.

Organization- Need Serious Help
Yeah, I mentioned this earlier- my organization is DIRE. My locker is completely stuffed on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as I have an extra bag for Tae Kwan Do. Everything falls out of my locker, and I have to kick it shut. It may help if I had time to clear it out more often.

Effort- I Always Go Above And Beyond What's Required
I always try my best, work hard, and always chug out above standard work. I enjoy knowing what I need to do with work, so I can go above expectations. I am permanently trying hard, and I wind up feeling all warm and satisfied by the end of the day.

One of my goals for grade 7 is to get my PE grade up to be an A so I can get an A and above award in Science, Maths, Humanities, Spanish, and PE. That would be awesome! Plus, it means another challenge to wotk hard on! Another goal is to work hard to get my black tip in Tae Kwan Do soon whilst being able to stay above standard in my work, and do all homework to a 100% standard.

So now you know a bit more about me, and are either wishing August would come faster so I could be your current student, or wishing to catch the next plane to Canada so you don't have to deal with me. Which ever one it is, I really look forward to meeting my new teachers in grade 7, and want to be there now, although wouldn't mind a break during summer.....
I'm going to Vietnam towards the middle/end of June, to go and stay on a boat and see all the traditional and cultural sites of Vietnam. Then, in late July, I'm going to Bali. Between these, I turn 12 (My birthday is on July 5th). So, yes, I am very excited!

From Aidan L., Future 7th Grader.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Saving the World

I feel that in order to help save our dying planet, we need to do loads of things. Even though Earth Hour helps a bit with our energy crisis, what's one hour of 1/2 electricity to a year of wasting it? We should do things on a bigger scale (atleast, in my opinion), such as having an Earth hour once a month, or even once a week, to cut down on the electricity we are wasting. Then again, this may make us go backwards, and not want to live with electricity. Then again, is that such a bad thing? We could maybe use one of the torches my dad has, where you wind a switch and then click a button for light, instead of using batteries. Re-chargable batteries at the least would suffice.

Scientists come up with loads of huge ideas, which do work, but even a few little things to help the environment can't hurt, like just turning off the AC when you aren't in the room, or remembering to switch off the TV when you go out. I'm not saying that the huge ideas are bad or anything, just that we should also start small. Afterall, if we can't do small things, how do we expect to pull off huge feats?

Possibly the most important thing is to act now. Don't wait until our planet is inhospitable, act now and probably help the human race survive for a longer time. You may think Oh, it's just one day, one day can't destroy us. But then, you may end up in the mentality of just putting it off, and sit there waiting for the enevitable. Maybe the next phase of Earth (history wise) will be Enviro-Colony. Hopefully, it will be. Also, just because we have recycled and all that stuff enough that our planet can survive for a bit longer, and isn't in the 11th hour (currently, it's 11:59), don't stop recycling! Get into the habit, and give our children, their children, and their children, and even their children a brighter future. If you are old (no offense to old people), don't just ignore it because you'll die soon and you won't have to live in the horrible Earth you helped create. Think about your children, and theirs, etc. You probably want them to have good, long lives, so recycle.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Adam Lambert Rules!!!

Adam Lambert is sooooo awesome! I want him to win, and if I were in the US again, I would vote for him! I originally tried posting a video of him singing Born To Be Wild, but there was an error with the thing, but he is still totally AWESOME!

Get your motor runnin',
Get out on the highway,
Looking for adventure,
And whatever comes our way.
Yeah Darlin' gonna make it happen,
Take the world in a love embrace,
Fire all of your guns at once and,
Explode into space.
I like smoke and lightning,
Heavy metal thunder,
Racin' with the wind,
And the feelin' that I'm under.

(I'm just gonna skip to my favourite part)

Adam, I salute you! Rock on!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Malaysia Week Misshaps , Misadventures, Experiences, and Excitement!!!

At ISKL (The International School of Kuala Lumpur), the school I go to, we get an opportunity once every year to go on different sites, and explore native Malaysia, with no parents, for 5 days. This is called Malaysia Week. My Malaysia Week site was Kuala Gandah, and this was the first time this site was launched, so we were the pioneers! I suffered from a bit of homesickness on the second day, but other than that, I didn't really miss home.

On the first day, we camped out by a kampung. We went on a night trek, but didn't see anything, apart from the shiny eyes of a bush baby and some fireflies. It also rained that day, so our tents flooded.

Day 2- we went into the primary jungle. For fun, we jumped over a gorge. The gorge also had some roots to stand on, but they weren't exactly strong. A strange, goofy, Korean guy with really bad luck called Joey stepped on the roots to get across and fell into the water below us. Ha ha! It also rained today, and our tents, now all muddy, flooded again.

On day 3, we spent most of our time commuting, to the elephant sanctuary! This was the best campsite out of the lot! There was a canopy over all the tents, and the ground- lovely sand. I nearly got washed away from the campsite in the river.... 5 times.

Day 4- We spent most of this day helping the elephants in the sanctuary- bathing them, cleaning their poop, feeding them, observing them, riding them, and bonding with them. We also bought a ton of stuff. One guy bought a lighter, but the site leader confiscated it. I bought a ton of gum, and we all bought Pringles, and a lot of soda!

On the bus ride home, we stopped at Deerland, and looked at, made notes about, and played with all the animals. Sadly, there was a peacock. I am absolutely terrified of peacocks. But, I got to feed a sun bear honey! Its tongue is so sticky and warm! We arrived home 2 and a half hours early.

Over spring break, I am going to Laos. There are plenty of things to do and see there, and the cultural experience should prove interesting. I also enjoy exploring. Another list (I like lists):
Countries I've been to-
St. Lucia
The UK
The US
The Philippines

And 2 other countries that I can't remember. I'll complete this list after spring break.
Please post a comment,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hello Memphis Peeps!

Hello people in Memphis! My name is Aidan, and I originally come from Scotland, but now, I am living Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It's really interesting. There is a huge mix of nationalities and places. There are the KL Petronas Twin Towers in the city centre, which look fascinating at night, when all the lights on the sides of the towers are turned on. There is also the KL Tower, right next to the Twin Towers. The KL Tower is basically just a needle-if a needle was 800 metres high!
Outside of the city, there are little Orang Asli (Native Malay) settlements. These are amazing to visit, and if you ever do come over here, I would recommend visiting them! They live very basically, but all have shoes, old phones, and small TVs. Some of them also use blowpipes, others just farm.
I also enjoy cycling. Once you get out of the city centre, there are some beautiful bike trails! There are loads of hills, but there are also flatish trails, so everyone gets their choice! At most trails, there are food stalls, selling dough nuts, curry puffs, and chestnuts. Mmm.....
When it comes to food, there is plenty of choice! Since many people of different live here, and aren't all Malay, their food of choice is usually featured in some place or another.
Types of Food-
Middle Eastern

There is also a local fruit, called durian, which tastes fine, but smells terrible, and is therefore banned in most public places.
Anyway, I have to go and do some other school stuff in class, so I'll continue this later.

Twin Towers at Night.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Resolutions For 2009

Hello Blog World!!
Right now, I am doing another breif school post. Just warning you now- if are easily bored by New Years Resolutions, now is the time to go to a safer, less boring place.

  • I really want to (no, need to) get my Science grade up.
  • I should really make more friends.....
  • I want to try harder in Tae Kwan Do, and get my red belt (and maybe even black tip) before 2010.
  • Trying new things might also prove to be fun and..... entertaining. (Ambulance may be required...)
  • I feel a bit guilty. To turn that feeling upside down, instead Mum buying me stuff and me letting her forget that I owe her back, my money may just magically jump out of my pocket, and land softly on the cashier's desk.
  • Read all the books in my favourite series (CHERUB), and try other series too.
  • For interest factor (and for the 4th resolution), I would like to learn more about explosions.
  • Lastly, I would like to set the goal of communicating effectively with peers (one of the few skills that I do not possess. Sadly, I learned the hard way with reloading a stapler....).

Also, I would like to see the world live in harmony and peace, and for all people to realize that we are the biggest predators on Earth, who will eventually wipe themselves out, and GoGreen. Also, I beleive that anyone lacking the basic sense to know that Jennifer Aniston is in all ways way better the Angelina Jolie will be EXTERMINATED!!! Just joking about that last one. But Jennifer Aniston rules!!!

Hope you enjoyed reading this post!


If you didn't enjoy reading this post, send me a complaint. I may choose to read the complaint, or I may just rip it into little peices and give it back to you. Most likely the second one.